Letters to the unknown
2 min readNov 22, 2023

*To the love, who didn’t stay*



Sometimes I wonder about the times I loved her, did I really? Or was I trying to love her because I was in a committed relationship with her and that is what you do in a relationship. Even when you realise that maybe this one person is not for you but you have spent so much time together now, that you are stuck in this and breaking it off will somehow break your heart even when your heart was not in it for a very long time. Maybe that fear of breaking your heart is what keeps two people together when finally, eventually they break each other’s heart in the end, anyway.

Sometimes I wonder about the time when I really loved her and she left? Did the love in me also left with her absence in my life? Which makes me wonder if love is something which actually goes away from anyone’s life because technically, she is the one who left my life, the love I have for her is still within me, maybe buried, maybe submerged, maybe waiting for the right one to be given to. But as we know, that energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, maybe love also just gets transferred from person to person, and when someone we love leaves us, their love just never leaves, it stays within you, waiting for the right one to be given to.

So whenever you are in doubt that maybe the love you had in your life, left and maybe the magic is also over somehow, let that feeling sink in. Maybe you might feel a bit bad for some days, some months, or years, and you will feel unlovable, or maybe thinking that love is not worth giving another chance, but the energy in you will somehow find the other energy and somehow, you will feel the warmth, care, and love again and I promise you when the right one will love you, the magic you have and the magic she will have will double up, and it will not be less than a fairytale.

So let this pain be part of the process, let yourself feel that the magic is lost because now you know, it never does, they were not the magic, you were.


Shivam Gupta©

Inspired from the conversation with Divya Malik and Ayaana
Letters to the unknown

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